plodes® Digital Gift Cards

plodes® Digital Gift Cards

from $25.00

Digital gift card for any occasion.

plodes® Digital Gift cards are perfect for any holiday, birthday, or special occasion. Available in denominations of $25, $50, $75, $100, and $250. Give the gift of great design.


  • Creates and emails unique code to you or any recipient (not physical)

  • Never expires

  • Redeem online

  • 5 values

Terrain Cuff Moon s gold polished 1.png Terrain Cuff Moon stainless steel_3to2.jpg

plodes® Terrain Cuff | Moon

from $125.00
Galaxy pendant silver polished 1.png Galaxy pendant silver polished 2_3to2.jpg

plodes® Galaxy | Pendant

from $110.00
plodes® FARA Growth Chart plodes FARA growth chart 3to2_2.jpg

plodes® FARA Growth Chart

TAB iPad Stand-clear landscape.jpg TAB iPad Stand-white portrait.jpg

plodes® Tab iPad Stand

tag_install_close_WEB.jpg plodes Tag picture frame 3to2_1.jpg

plodes® Tag

from $65.00